1 - 20 of 643,064 Works in Marvel
Listing Works
"The demon who has stolen his soul is called Khione."
_____________________________________________________People often point out that Bucky's actions as the Winter Soldier feel like a separate entity to him, so what if that was true?
What if Bucky Barnes was the unwilling host of an alien called a Goa'uld, who used his body to carry out all those atrocities we ascribe to him?
If you have no knowledge of Stargate, that's alright! I've tried to make it self-explanatory :)
This is a Stargate SG-1 x Marvel Cinematic Universe crossover that technically takes place within the universe of my other work "Goddess of Darkness" but it can be read stand alone!
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 11,541
- Chapters:
- 5/5
- Hits:
- 0
Stories for Femslash February 2025.
- Part 12 of no one's got it all (anthologies)
The Stars in my Pocket by cthulu_hoops for subluxate
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Chris Evans Movies)
02 Mar 2025
James Buchanan Barnes wakes up one day to find the smallest Pocket he has ever seen.
- Part 2 of Marvel Pockets
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 1,206
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Hits:
- 0
Infinity Crisis: The Musings of Jessica Riley by Batguy01
Fandoms: Spider-Man (Ultimateverse), Doctor Who, Back to the Future (Movies), DC Extended Universe, DCU (Comics)
03 Mar 2025
As the Tenth Doctor and his companions try to reach the cell of General Zod on Earth-51, one of his companions has flashbacks on how she came to be here and now.
- Part 8 of Batguy01's Infinity Crisis fics
AU: Bucky never becomes the Winter Soldier.
The EXO Falcon program was a failure. Sam Wilson knew that—right up until the moment he was captured by Hydra. Stripped of his freedom, enhanced with the serum, and fused with deadly metal wings, he became their perfect weapon. The Angel of Death.
Bucky finally comes home after a week long mission.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 635
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Hits:
- 0
You and Professor Laufeyson have been dating for a while. However, a new girl in class leaves you anxious and insecure. Thankfully, Loki is there to lift you up and make you feel special.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 8,031
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Hits:
- 0
One by one, the avengers get transformed into the age they lost their virginity at.
Harry Potter em Changed Prophecy e a Câmara Secreta. -- Livro 03 -- by zBloodDemon
Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis, Death Note (Anime & Manga), SCP Foundation, SCP - Containment Breach, Marvel Cinematic Universe, WandaVision (TV)
03 Mar 2025
Após as férias pós fim ano escolar, onde um bruxo colocou uma sociedade inteira em estado de alerta pela ascendência de uma relíquia antiga, e isso sem ao menos saberem do verdadeiro culpado.
Tendo fim em sua liberdade e tempo privado para si mesmo, o mesmo enfim retornara ao que intitulara de sua prisão pessoal nos Dursley, em prol de se preparar para um novo ano letivo na renomada escola de magia e bruxaria Hogwarts.O que antes ele pensava estar preparado para encarar seus parentes abusivos, se torna uma vivencia completamente nova, na qual o mudara para sempre, pois de tudo que mais podiam fazer contra ele, seja abuso físico ou verbal, visaram na verdade o atacar no pior local possível, um local indefeso que nem mesmo anos treinando com mestres de alquimia e entidades sobrenaturais, o preparam para ser acertado.
Será essa a mudança de um estado de espirito puro?
Será uma mudança de lealdade entre luz e trevas?
Ou será uma alma sendo ferida onde ninguém pode curar?
Pois dessa forma vos convido a acompanhar a trajetória de todo esse declínio na vida de Harrysson James Potter Peverell Pendragon Black, o Garoto-Que-Sobreviveu.
- Part 3 of Changed Prophecy
Good Look, Wanda! by LolaS66
Fandoms: Wanda Maximof - Fandom, Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Agatha All Along (TV)
03 Mar 2025
What do you do when you fall in love with a married woman?
Alice constantly tells herself how bad she is, but if Wanda calls her she has to go. Even if it destroys her and she finds herself drowning in her own guilt for falling into the devil's temptation that leads her to sin every time she sees it.
Two months after their break-up, Harley gets kidnapped to get to Spider-Man. Apparently the bad guys haven't gotten the memo.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 2,444
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Hits:
- 0
I Run Better Than I Swing by asalmonhalibut
Fandoms: Marvel's Spider-Man (Insomniac Games Video Games)
03 Mar 2025
To the rest of the city, Norman Osborn running for Congress is a cruel joke. But still just a joke.
To Team Spidey? They thought the situation would be under control. Osborn’s busy running for office, after all—he should be busy.
Instead, the world feels like it’s caving in, week after week.Now, Team Spidey (which includes Yuri, now, apparently) are trying to figure out what the hell they’re going to do now.
- Part 5 of call the play, coach
All Of Your Pieces by spintheworlds
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, WandaVision (TV)
03 Mar 2025
Wanda lives in a fairytale—a name she chooses because she has everything she desires: you and two boys who are nothing short of miraculous. However, those outside are determined to destroy her idyllic world.
A retelling of WandaVision and MCU Wanda, with you as its heartbeat.
The field trip to hell (A field trip with Peter to S.I) by littleLover_fandoms
Fandoms: Spider-Man - All Media Types, Iron Man (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
03 Mar 2025
Peter Parker should have known from the second he stepped on the bus that today was going to be a disaster.
There was this feeling—a heavy, crawling sensation under his skin, like something was about to go catastrophically wrong. But what could he do? It was a field trip. Just another school event. Just another day of pretending to be a normal high school kid while secretly being Spider-Man.
- Language:
- English
- Words:
- 2,946
- Chapters:
- 1/1
- Kudos:
- 1
- Hits:
- 6
Looking for Home by JonSequitur
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Black Widow (Comics), Captain America (Movies)
03 Mar 2025
The Avengers and their allies defeated the ultimate threat to Earth and the Universe, but in the wake of the great battles and sacrifices, unanswered questions remained. This story ties up loose ends, wrestles with intriguing implications and pursues satisfying resolutions.
Chapters 1-3: Going back to Peggy in 1949 was a dream come true for Steve. But he hadn’t thought through all it would mean for both of them.
Chapters 4-?: Steve travels to 2023 Wakanda, where Natasha awaits him. He reveals the stunt he pulled to pass on the shield, what happened when he returned the Soul Stone, and why he’s no longer in the past. She tells the story of her fatal fall—and beyond. Steve and Nat evolve their relationship, keeping their presence a secret from all but a few. They grow closer to T’Challa, Okoye and Shuri as their nation navigates post-Blip struggles. At the same time, new Captain America Sam and the rest of the current Avengers must forge ahead without their old leaders. Both groups pursue revelations about time travel, other dimensions, enhancement and Infinity Stones that lead them to a better understanding of their Universe and identities, culminating in a series of adventures that bring them together again. -
Inevitable (evento concluido por Sam Wilson) by DanielaForeverYou
Fandoms: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV)
03 Mar 2025
La vida de Sam se ve en una sacudida cuando Bucky sufre un accidente y él se encarga de ayudarlo a superarlo física, mental y emocionalmente mientras tiene sus propias realizaciones personales.
- Part 3 of Nada formal
Just A Spark by moonminso
Fandoms: The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (TV), Marvel Cinematic Universe
02 Mar 2025
A retired Bucky is struggling to integrate into a "normal" life. He just can't seem to get it right, no matter how hard he tries. His only refuge is his fishing boat, where he routinely spends weeks at a time with only himself for company. It is on one such occasion that a mysterious song emerges from the waves, and the familiar lull of mind-control awakens his latent determination to stay alive, and stay free.
A strange, fascination-fuelled truce is struck between man and beast, and Bucky soon learns that they have much more in common than anyone would suspect.
Of Masks and Monsters by Noiabuisness
Fandoms: Iron Man (Movies), Iron Man (Comics), Black Widow (Movie 2021), Black Widow (Marvel Comics), The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Hawkeye (TV 2021)
02 Mar 2025
He was never meant to be a hero. She was never meant to trust anyone.
Tony Stark—ex-HYDRA assassin, master manipulator, and the deadliest man to walk the earth—knows exactly who Natalie Rushman really is the moment she steps into his life. But rather than expose her, he plays along, intrigued by the infamous Black Widow in a way he can’t quite explain. Natasha Romanoff, fresh out of the Red Room and tasked with evaluating Iron Man, thinks she has Stark figured out—reckless, arrogant, and easy to manipulate. But she’s wrong. Beneath the charm and genius lies something darker, something lethal. And as secrets unravel and lines blur, she realizes too late that she isn't just watching him—she’s falling for him. In a world built on deception, where every move is a game of survival, the only question is: when the masks finally come off, will they destroy each other… or be the only ones who understand?
“Are there any real witches here? Because all I see are have been and could have been.”
Alice’s magic hits her first and it instantly rejuvenates her. She hears someone scream before another wave of magic hits her. Lilia’s. She’s surprised when a third beam joins the rest. She can feel their lives slowly slipping away as their powers are drained and it’s the best she’s felt in 3 years.
She can hear noises upstairs which she assumes is the kid with the Salem Seven so she decides to go help. That's when she notices a glowing door on the ground. She doesn’t know what to do, there’s never been a door after singing the ballad.“Agathaaa,” says an approaching voice and that’s when it hits her.
It’s him.
That child who is protected by a sigil, that child who broke her out of Wanda’s spell. The child that she can’t learn anything about. The child that was so desperate to embark on the Witches Road that quite literally manifested it, in the same way that his mother had lost herself to her grief and conjured up her own sitcom life.
This is Wanda’s child.
Or: What if Agatha had succeeded in draining the coven? What was her plan with Billy after?UPDATED SUNDAY AND TUESDAY
Gwen's Growth Extravaganza by King_of_WOW
Fandoms: Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Comicverse), Spider-Man: Spider-Verse (Sony Animated Movies), Spider-Gwen (Comics)
02 Mar 2025
A coupe months after that fateful spider bite, Gwen starts going through growth spurts and changes.
Hopefully her nerdy best friend Peter can help her.
Commission by anonymous